Friday, October 30, 2009

Pickles & Ice Cream

Expecting Mothers gathered together for an evening of education and inspiration. Many Jewish and Kabbalistic topics on pregnancy and birth were discussed and explained.

As one woman put it “I didn’t realize how important it is for a child to have a Jewish name, how the soul permeates the body through that name”.

“Having children is the most powerful way that we as parents feel ‘G-dlike’, that is when we create something new not just changing the shape and form of an object” said Shula Winner co-director of Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach.

For more info pictures of this event >

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Simchat Torah Street Party

“We will dance ON the STREET? Where will the cars go?” asked little Michael.

The thrill and excitement children have for little things reminds us adults to stop and realize what privileges we have that our parents didn’t have in the FSU. For one to show off their Jewishness publicly in Russia was in danger of putting themselves and their entire family in harms way, while here in the US we have that religious freedom, we can dance with our holiest object the Torah scrolls celebrating our Jewish pride.

“There is great and powerful spiritual energy drawn down by a Jew dancing on Simchat Torah,” said Rabbi Avrohom Winner – director of the Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach. The entire world saw recently how one Jew had the strength to face the world when the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Natanyahu spoke just a few weeks ago before the UN. “Where did he get this courage…” continued Rabbi Winner, “…from SIMCHAT TORAH by the Lubavitcher Rebbe 25 years ago, this is Jewish pride and this timeless energy is given to every Jew celebrating Simchat Torah.”

Many young Lubavicther Yeshivah students walked with the ageless request of the Rebbe to walk to shuls throughout the 5 boroughs bringing with them a burst of holiday joy, walked the 2 ½ hours from Crown Heights to join us in our celebration.

For more info visit our website

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sukkot Celebration Under the Stars

Rabbi and Shula Winner held their annual Sukkot Celebration in their Sukkah this past Friday evening. Multiples of parents and children where just flocking in through the Rabbi’s house to the backyard where the largest Sukkah of Manhattan Beach is located.

Not withstanding the awesome crowd everyone was accommodating. The Sukkah which seats a hundred people
miraculously expanded accommodating everyone. For some it was their first experience of Sukkot for others it was a chance to meet again with family and friends.

“If there is room in the heart, there is room in the Sukkah”, said Rabbi Winner. The atmosphere was warm, everyone enjoyed and took part in the festivities.

“Sukkot is a special holiday for us... our 3 girls are all born over this holiday”, said Shula.

The festivities concluded with the singing of Happy Birthday, sung in unison in honor of the 3 birthday girls. The feeling of belonging and part of the Rabbi’s extended family was truly felt.

For More info on other similar annual events visit our site

Sunday, October 4, 2009

High Holidays 2009-5770 - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

Pictures shown where taken after the holiday ended.

The prayers for the High Holidays – Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – where held this year in the PS 225 auditorium. The atmosphere was powerful, inspiring and uplifting.

“That uplifting and calm feeling that one feels when their prayers are being heard, was felt by all,” said Rabbi Avrohom Winner.

Hundreds of Russian-American Jews from the community joined for this special service.
The adults enjoyed a service that included Kabbalistic explanation of the prayers while their children where being entertained with Jewish games and stories.

For more info visit our website

Pictures shown where taken after the holiday ended.

Pictures shown where taken after the holiday ended.

Pictures shown where taken after the holiday ended.

Tashlich Prayer Service

(no pictures due to Holiday)

The Tashlich Prayer Service by the Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach is a yearly monumental event. Hundreds of Russian-American Jews from the community joined in the prayer service which included the sounding of the Shofar.

“We must take advantage of life by spending time with our children, celebrate the Jewish Holiday and prioritize the true and important things in life,” said Rabbi Winner – Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach.

“By distributing ‘nosh bags’ we are encouraging children to participate and realize the importance of this custom, we are a family oriented synagogue and congregation”, said Shula Winner – the Rabbi’s wife and co-director of the Chabad.

For More info on other simlar annual events visit our site