Monday, March 30, 2009

Model Matza Bakery @ Neshama 09

The Model Matza Bakery is one of Neshama’s Public School Cultural Programs where over a thousand children join and experience the baking of the Matza and a live professional and educational exodus show.

The children learn the process and preparation of the Matza baking from the wheat in the field to the threshing, winnowing and grinding to flour.

The exodus show is a presentation where the children go back in time to ancient Egypt when the Hebrews were slaves and watch the 10 plagues come to life.

Here the Chabad Neshama Hebrew School join the Model Matza Bakery for a school trip.

Purim Dinner - Israeli Style

Young Russian-American parents and children from the Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach neighborhoods joined Rabbi Avrohom & Shula Winner the directors of Nehama – Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach for a Purim celebration – Israeli Style.

For more pictures of this event click here >

For more info on any of our programs visit our website

Kabbala, Meditation and Art

Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach hosted a Kabbala and Art for Young Russian-American Jews from our community. The program included a lecture and meditation followed by a hands-on painting experience.

“After a meditating trance the colors painted on the canvas reveal the essential colors of the person’s inner psyche”, said Noria Cohen lecturer and educator.

Some painted pictures, while others painted colors each piece of art revealing the feelings and fears of a person. Noria explained to each person privately the deeper meaning of their painting and how they can improve themselves.

“You guys just host the most amazing and interesting programs for our community”, said Valery to Shula Winner – Rebbetzin and co-director of Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach.

For more pictures of this event click here >

For more info on any of our programs visit our website

Tu B'shvat at Chabad Neshama Hebrew School

Chabad Neshama Hebrew School celebrated Tu B’shvat -Shvat 15. The Land of Israel is blessed with seven species of fruits and vegetables, wheat and barley, grapes, olives, pomegranates and figs. It’s a land flowing with milk and honey dates.

The children used their “Israeli passport” to travel to some of the holy cities in Israel. From Chevron to Tiberius, from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. In each “city” they experienced something unique similar to the original city.

For more info visit our website