Sunday, June 21, 2009

A night of Inspiration

In honor of the Yahrzeit of the Rebbe - Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch made a group trip to the Ohel – the Rebbe’s resting place.

Hundreds from many Chabad Houses in the tri-state area participated in this inspirational evening.

The program included dynamic speakers, sensational choir and delicious refreshments.

Following the program Rabbi Winner led a group into the Ohel for prayer, blessing and stirring spiritual moment – known in Chassidism as yechidut.
As customary one reads a note with their Jewish name and mothers name and includes all their requests and needs that the Rebbe beseech on their behalf on high.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hebrew School End Of Year Celeb. & Grad.

Children, parents and grand-parents joined the Chabad Neshama Hebrew School for the End of Year Celebration and Graduation. The children from each class performed singing some of the many songs they learned this past year.

“We are team players – participant’s not just fans – spectators, Jewish education is about being an active participant”, said Rabbi Avrohom Winner, co-director of the Hebrew School.

Leonid Vayner spoke on behalf of the parent body expressing his appreciation of everything Neshama – Chabad Lubavitch is doing for the Jewish growth in the Brighton – Manhattan Beach communities.

“…I thank my parents for sending me to such a wonderful place, where I have learned and gained so much and are really proud of being Jewish”, said Sam Levit who spoke on behalf of the student body.

Shula Winner, co-director presented the children with their awards and the teachers with gifts of appreciation.

Children watched a video/slide show giving the participants a glimpse of the past years Hebrew School experience.

For more pictures of this event click here >

Friday, June 5, 2009